EZ Paint Edger

5 Reasons to use Edger than a sash brush
Painters often run into trouble of cutting in along ceilings, moldings, and other areas that require a perfectly straight line of paint. It's no wonder there have been so many attempts over the years to make tool that simplifies the task.
The EZ Paint Edger Roller is one of the best inventions for the century so far. Invented by a professional painter to help his crews cut in paint edges faster and more consistently, the EZ Clean-Cut Paint Edger has become a time saver for professional painters and homeowners alike. It is the only paint edger to use the patented combination of roller, shield, and brush.
Here are the top 5 Reasons to use an Edger instead of a sash brush
- A paint edger places a physical barrier between the paintbrush, paint pad, or roller, and the area that you want to keep clean. Unlike sash brush, using a paint edger saves time and money because it eliminates the need to protect ceilings and baseboards with painter's tape while still creating a nice, neat edger.
- This tool will pay for itself in no time by eliminating the cost of painter’s tape and any labor costs associated with taping edges before painting and removing tape when the job is done.
- Crisp, clean edges are the hallmark of a great paint job. Using a sash brush for the corners and ceilings give unprofessional results. The edger tool makes cutting in on the ceiling, and offers you a nice straight line. This product is absolutely lifesaver and probably diminishes the time of painting.
- The bristles of the sash brush often separate when you apply too much pressure and create an irregular edge. But cutting in with a roller edger can be faster and cleaner if you do it right. The edger works best if you move it in a straight, continuous line.
- Last but not the least, the paint edger paints 10-20 times faster than a sash brush. Weather it's door, Window, Ceiling, Accent Wall, Baseboard or Chair Rail it makes cutting-in quick and easy. Get it on EZ Painting Tools.
You can buy the best quality Paint Edger at ezpaintingtools.com